What Problem do You Solve for Customers?

When I consult with a new client, I often ask a seemingly obvious question: “Do you know the problem you solve for customers?”

More often than not, I get an answer like this in return: “outdated faucets.”

All of your company messaging should stem from the problem you solve and how you can make the customer’s life better because of it.

The problem of “outdated faucets” isn’t one I can feel. It’s not one I can see, and it’s not one I know I have.

People need to be able to see and feel the problem you talk about in your messaging. 

Everyone knows what a “messy bathroom” feels like, what about a messy bathroom with water all over the counter because of an outdated faucet? Yes. This is a problem I can feel and see, this is a problem that will matter to customers. 

What problem are you owning?

Pick a problem, hit the nail on the head for people, then hit it again- in a way they can taste, smell, feel and see!

p.s. - If you’ve built a website with MOR Creative, all the functionality you need to knock this out is already built-in. Click here to schedule a call to get started.


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